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CBD Alkohol-Tropfen


CBD Alkohol-Tropfen hoch konzentriert, bis 4% (2000mg) in 50ml.


(kein Schnittabfall etc.)


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Unsere CBD Öle unterstehen gemäss europäischer und schweizerischer Chemikaliengesetzgebung und müssen mit folgenden Gefahrenhinweise gekennzeichnet sein:


(Weitere Informationen klicken Sie auf den folgenden Text)
H-Sätze: 225 317 412  
Piktogramme: GHS02 GHS07
Hinweis: Gefahr

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That's how much vitamin D is in dairy products Milk is repeatedly cited as a 
good source of vitamin D, but this is not the case, since dairy products do not 
contain any significant amounts of vitamin D (8): Whole milk: 80 IU (2 µg) 
vitamin D per liter Low-fat milk, which the supposed nutrition experts like to 
recommend, contains no vitamin D at all, as the vitamin is known to be fat-
soluble and was removed with the fat. Full fat yogurt: 4 IU (0.1 µg) per 100 g 
Mountain cheese cream level: 28 IU (0.7 µg) per 100 g You can see that not even 
a high-fat cheese can make a significant You would have to eat 1 kilogram of it 
per day to cover at least a third of the officially stated daily requirement, 
which is usually set too low anyway. Dairy products are therefore In our 
article on the subject of mercury in fish , we describe that in many regions 
more fish are already being caught than can regrow. Please read there and 
reconsider your fish consumption! Fish - whether high in fat or not - is 
therefore not a suitable source of vitamin D, at least not if you not only have 
your personal health in your sights, but are also able to think outside the box 
and look into the future. Aquacultures are highly industrialized factory  
Aquacultures therefore not only cause serious environmental pollution, but also 
prevent animal suffering. The fish are fed with soy-based fish feed, among 
other things, so that not only the consumption of meat and dairy products 
drives rainforest exploitation in the tropics, but also the weekly - sorry, 
twice weekly - salmon fillet (10). * You can find recommended vitamin D 
supplements here under this link So much vitamin D is in meat and sausage 
Meat - whether beef steak, pork schnitzel or chicken breast - and sausage 
also not really helpful, although organ meats are occasionally mentioned as a 
source of vitamin D. The vitamin D is in the fat of the liver - and since the 
liver is generally low in fat (approx. 4 percent fat content), the vitamin D 
content is also not outstanding. For fresh beef liver it is around 1.7 µg and 
68 IU, which means that you would cover just 9 percent of the officially stated 
daily vitamin D requirement with 100 g of liver. LeberTRAN is of course very 
rich in vitamin D. However, it is a product (the isolated oil) made from fish 
liver, so it has nothing to do with the liver of land animals.

CBD Alkohol-Tropfen 50ml

Artikelnummer: AT50
125,00 CHF Standardpreis
49,00 CHFSale-Preis
inkl. MwSt.
  • Bei mobilen Geräten wird der Preis oben angezeigt.

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